We believe…


in the goodness of a very real and present God, who longs to meet our generation of women in very tangible ways and empower them in their everyday lives.

We believe all people are created in the image of God, and possess an innate yearning for a relationship with him.

We affirm…


the historic creeds of the early church [Nicaea and Chalcedon] in terms of the nature of God and the person of Jesus Christ and His redemptive work in our broken world.

Otherwise, Deep Water Ministries holds to a quote often attributed to Augustine:

“In essentials, unity; in doubtful matters, liberty; in all things, charity.”

An open Bible on the shore of the lake with the sun setting in beautiful hues of pinks and oranges

Life’s an adventure,

embrace it.

Woman giggling during a team building activity
Kayaks ready for adventure in the morning
Kayak on the river
beached kayaks, a Deep Water retreat stops for a lunch break along the river for conversation, inspiration from Scripture, and nourishment