Stephanie Kline and Kathy Craig

Deep Water Leaders, Your Guides

Stephanie Kline and Kathy Craig have been working in various ministry roles and settings for twelve years together, after meeting as neighbors with ‘one house between us’ at the time. Despite very different chapters of life and a twenty-year difference in age, a God-ordained friendship and ministry continues to grow, fueled by a shared passion for Jesus, and the people He cares about.

The vision for Deep Water grew from a seed God planted in Stephanie over a decade ago as she dreamed of a ministry for underserved youth, but began taking root with a focus on women while they both served in a local church; Kathy as pastor leading discipleship and retreats, and Stephanie as director of women’s ministries.

Convinced that God moves in extraordinary ways when we’re challenged beyond our comfort zones, Stephanie and Kathy began planning a few kayak/camping retreats and inviting some women that God pressed on their hearts. As they collected stories and experiences of breakthrough for women in profound ways, the ministry foundation was laid. It’s no longer founded on just camping, and often in more refined and comfortable settings, but there’s always some adventure and some creativite expression built into the time away.

God continues to nudge them out into the deep water as the ministry unfolds, and women are walking away changed by Jesus.

Stephanie Kline

Stephanie Kline

Stephanie is passionate about adventure and the Lord…and leading others to experience both! Hiking, biking, kayaking, triathlons, and taking her kiddos out to explore is where it’s at! 

She pursued social work education in Detroit, then lived and worked there with her husband, Craig. Stephanie has years of experience as a social worker with teens aging out of the foster care system, homeless outreach and support, assisting children with special needs in Honduras, and as a patient services coordinator for people with Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Once moving back to the west side of Michigan, ten years ago, the Kline’s have grown to a family of seven – a girl and four boys! Life is fun, busy, and surely has its challenges.

Stephanie has served in ministry for over 20 years – leading young adults, youth, women, and facilitating spiritual growth/adventure retreats for teens and now focused on women.

Kathy Craig

Kathy Craig with her newfoundland dog Henry

Kathy is wife to Chris for 3+ decades, mom to three young adults, and alpha to a Newfoundland dog named Henry. Jesus and coffee fuel her, art and writing too. Big-time #downsyndromelove beats in her heart (thanks to her middle child), urging her to see depths of beauty in all individuals and optimism in the unexpected.

Spiritually, Kathy believes God wants us out in the world and served as licensed, staff pastor in the Wesleyan denomination in multiple pastoral roles in the church while maintaining a full time vocation in corporate management. Today though, she instead prefers to encourage, mentor, and shepherd smaller groups and individuals, offering hope and healing through grace and creativity. Here’s more info.

Professionally, Kathy has worked in various roles as creative/art directors for corporations,  ad agencies, and leading creative teams. She currently works in corporate management in global communications.


By the way, Kathy loves kayaking and kind of hates camping. BUT, her love for women and the changes she’s witnessed when people are pushed outside their comfort zones is so profound, that she believes is worth it all!